Rx to Obama
Real Change Now in the Middle East
Thursday, January 15th
10am to 12pm
Lunch: Noon to 2pm
2465 Rayburn
Moments after the final votes were cast on November 4th; a delegation led by former Ambassador Edward Peck and facilitated by the Council for the National Interest, was on a flight to Beirut. Their objective was to find out what the people of the Middle East want from the Obama Administration. After traveling through 5 countries meeting with political leaders, opposition groups, and activist, the delegation has returned with some answers.
From Gaza to Iraq to Afghanistan
Interested to know what the Middle East wants from the United States under the Obama Administration? Join us on Capitol Hill as we share our insights on the most critical foreign policy issues facing the Obama Administration.
Ambassador (Ret) Edward Peck: Former Chief of Mission to Baghdad, Deputy Assistant to President Reagan for Anti-Terrorism
Mark Perry: Military, intelligence and foreign affairs analyst and writer
Eugene Bird: Career diplomat and a twenty-five year veteran of Middle Eastern Affairs and CNI/CNIF president.
A brief documentary of the recent delegation will be shown
The Public is Welcome. Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP by Tuesday, January 13 @ 5:00pm
Email: Jacob@cnionline.org Office: (202) 863-2951x 30