The Pubhouses Dialogues (always looking for contributors) is "The Velvet Hammer" (a name Mickey gave me) under my Pen-name/Net-Name of Arrietty. (A character in a book called "The Borrowers.")
I am a person of peace, an old hippy, an atheist and an evolutionary. I am a Green and darn near vegetarian/vegan. I will send you my year report in a week (ish). As a forewarning, this might have been the worst year of my life. I certainly hope so. But ever like the Phoenix, I was born to rise from my own ashes. Have done. Will do.
http://www.pubhousedialogues .com/index.php/all then click on Velvet Hammer and you see all my posts. They are way off the chart. Trust me. I stick my neck out to say things many people are afraid to even think. I am sassy as can be!
Anyway, here is an awesome suggestion for Gratitude to our Soldiers. Committed to peace as I am, this still made me cry and when that happens, I am assured it has some power. So I share it with you, my nearest and dearest.
Gratitude - Sign for Thank you
Hugs ever,