Addict (drugaddict) wrote,

Situation 2: The Subway Turnstile Pictures (More Turns). I developed a situation so that various sub

Situation 2: The Subway Turnstile Pictures (More Turns). I developed a situation so that various subjects could be defined by the constraints of exactly the same mechanical apparatus. The scenario consisted of someone passing through a subway turnstile. At the moment that the subjects passed through the turnstile, unknown to them, I took their picture stationed at a distance of eleven feet. I stood there turning pages of a magazine observing subjects out of the corner of my eye, waiting for only the moment when they pushed the turnstile bar to release the shutter.'

The Subway Turnstile Pictures (More Turns) è una delle tre 'situazioni' del progetto fotografico di Bill Sullivan. Interessanti anche le altre due: The Times Square Portraits (Time Port) e The Elevator Portraits (Stop Down)...

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