Joerg M. Colberg, Shinji and Teru Kuwayama, Andy Goetze, and Dennis Dunleavy
A new generation of thought leaders has emerged to give photographers and photography fans new avenues of information.
Book Publishing
Ruud Van Empel/Th(e) Influencer
Lesley Martin
Executive editor of books, Aperture Foundation
Pascal Dangin
Founder of Box Studios and co-publisher of the Steidldangin imprint
Cristina Mittermeier
Director of the International League of Conservation Photographers
Jen Bekman
Founder of the Jen Bekman Gallery
Photo Agencies
Mark Lubell
New York Bureau Chief, Magnum Photos
Photography Culture
Marc Balet and Beatrice Dupire
Co-creators, Th(e) Influencer
David Leeson
Director of Video, Dallas Morning News
Caterina Fake and Stewart Butterfield
Founders, Flickr
Evan Nisselson
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Digital Railroad