Addict (drugaddict) wrote,



Wikipedia’s Papa’s Picks

he sites bookmarked on Jimmy Wales’s Internet browser range from virtually everything from A to Z, which is especially fitting considering that Wales is the founder of Wikipedia, the ever expanding online encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Running Wikipedia, which has 3.8 million articles in more than 200 languages, requires Wales to spend a lot of time screen-bound—“It’s embarrassing to admit, but I’d say I spend 10 to 12 hours online per day,” he says. So where does Wikipedia’s godfather wander?

Wales gets his news from the BBC, and likes Flickr’s photo-sharing site. He’s constantly on the go, so he visits Frequent Flyer Wiki for tips on what to do in all those airports. Lessig Blog, written by Stanford Law School professor Lawrence Lessig, is one of Wales’s must-clicks, and so is Leo, which offers a user-friendly English-to-German dictionary. “I spend lots of time on Leo because I’m trying to learn German,” he says.

Wales also admits to being a regular at Uncyclopedia, an encyclopedia of misinformation that parodies Wikipedia. Rounding out his bookmark collection is YouTube, the viral-video page, which has its very own Wikipedia entry, like almost all of Wales’s favorite sites (BBC,  Flickr,  Lawrence Lessig, and Leo). But then again, so does Jimmy Wales.

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