Jasmina Tesanovic: The Long Goodbye
The Long Goodbye
Jasmina Tesanovic
Belgrade, March 17, 2006
Slobo's body was not accepted in the Museum of the Revolution, the director said. There was no room there since there are other two current exhibits.
So with a little help from the government, Milosevic party members broke into the Museum of History of Yugoslavia and exposed his coffin. The director of the museum sent out a furious public letter of protest, but to no avail. His fans were already gathering and queuing to pay the last respect to their idol.
Some Ratko Mladic photos were also there next to Milosevic. Old phrases I almost forgot from bad old Milosevic days; such as Slobo my love, my hero, you saved us... his fans were always sentimental and hysterical, but never very modern in rhetoric.
War invalids from the nineties, the Milosevic wars, are protesting at the same time in front of the governmental building. Everybody is hoping those two crowds don’t meet.
posted by Xeni Jardin