Addict (drugaddict) wrote,

Additionally, what Cheney does on these private ranches is shoot at tame, domesticated animals. Thi

.. A Texas Parks and Wildlife Department report said Whittington was retrieving a downed bird and stepped out of the hunting line he was sharing with Cheney. "Another covey was flushed and Cheney swung on a bird and fired, striking Whittington in the face, neck and chest at approximately 30 yards," the report said.
The wildlife department issued a report Monday that found the main factor contributing to the accident was a "hunter's judgment factor." No other secondary factors were found to have played a role.
© 2006 The Associated Press

How do they know this if local law enforcement was completely shut out of any investigation?

Also: there's some confusion as to the '30 yards', considering the spread of the shot & the area on Mr. Whittington's body that received injury.

In any case, serious hunters know that Cheney's 'accident' as reported was totally idiotic. If you don't know the precise location of everyone in your hunting party, you do not shoot.

Additionally, what Cheney does on these private ranches is shoot at tame, domesticated animals. This is not 'hunting'.

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